Chronos Privacy Policy

Last Updated: January 11, 2024

Thank you for choosing Chronos, the time-tracking and habit-building app. This Privacy Policy outlines how Chronos handles user data, emphasizing our commitment to privacy and transparency. By using the Chronos app, you agree to the terms outlined in this policy.

Data Collection and Storage:

Chronos operates on a strict policy of not collecting any user data. The app is designed to function entirely offline, with all data being saved and stored locally on your device. This means that your personal information, activities, and habits are not transmitted to any external servers or third-party entities.

Types of Data Saved Locally:

**Daily Timeline Data:** Actions and activities logged on the Daily Timeline screen are stored locally on your device. This includes the names, colors, icons, and durations of your tracked activities.

Data Security:

We prioritize the security of your data. Chronos employs industry-standard measures to protect the information stored on your device. This includes encryption protocols and secure coding practices to safeguard your activities and habits.

No Third-Party Access:

Chronos does not share, sell, or grant access to your data to any third-party entities. Your information remains strictly confidential and is only accessible by you through the Chronos app on your device.

Updates to Privacy Policy:
We may periodically update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in the app or legal requirements. It is recommended to review this policy regularly for any updates. Continued use of the Chronos app after the posting of modifications constitutes acceptance of those changes.

Contact Information:

If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding this Privacy Policy or the Chronos app, please contact us at

Thank you for trusting Chronos. We are committed to providing you with a secure and private experience as you manage your time and build positive habits with our app.